Friday, January 14, 2011

Annual day,Sports,Culturals......

Sports day....

Hello friends!As u all know the classes of second semester have started...and again teachers are putting there great efforts to teach us, infact kujur sir was really woried on wednesday he even made me sit on first was too i never had,sit on first bench...sitting in first bench is more horrible then keeping mone...waise this year i had resolute that i wont speak while need to laugh....actually one must only resolute things which are possible...that why...previously i had tried to keep mone for an hour...but failed.....every one loves listining to me...many of them even asked me for singing..but i want to give others a chance.....i always believe different talent must come out....i love encouraging people....
waise on thrusday i had went to library...dont worry..i had issued usual...but ggu library dont have interesting more thing librarian had asked me to short down my signature as he said"you take four line for one time issue"...actually he was not knowing that it was my first and last visits to library....
I had even went to watch sport where my brother Rahul Thote had arranged a sit on desk for brothers couldn't see me standing....important thing is that Binoy had win the table tennis match..putting some snaps regarding sports and library....


  1. What a dog doing in the library? level of enthusiasm for seeking knowledge.

  2. yaar! that's the good thing about guru ghasidas library....waise puppies are tooooooo cute
